Special Postpartum Care in Munich & Grafing by Maj Übelacker               - Massages, Cranio & Postpartum Doula support 



It all began with getting that wonderful intuitive massage thinking "I want to do that too!" and suddenly after some years lots of pregnant and new mums were coming to my massage practice. Then I had the opportunity to do a doula training and certification with Doula UK in Glastonbury, Somerset in 2014 without having had a baby myself.... but growing more and more fascinated and passionate about good information around pregnancy, birth and beyond and about deeply nourishing bodywork and care for mums and babies (and dads by the way). At first I called this time after birth the BabyMoon, referring to the term "Honeymoon" - but then I wanted to make clear that my focus was on the mother and her healing and restoring her strength .... so it became MotherMoon!

What  I find helpful, uplifting, grounding for myself: 

Biodynamic Craniosacral work either from my favorite therapists or as a self-care from myself, playing and cuddling and communicating with cats, free-dancing with the "Polish Ambassadors", gentle earthy Egyptian bellydance or empowering Essence of Bellydance, yummy Ayurvedic style food, being in nature with trees and water, sleeping a night under a tree, intuitive counseling from my best friend, immerse myself in water aka swimming, free-style meditation and body mind-exercises, sleeping a lot, stillness, creating a beautiful inspiring home, us-time with my partner. 


Born 1974 in München, loving to live there - with a longer excursion to New Zealand and the UK. Studied librarianship and then lots of body-soul-mind techniques like Hawaiian  Lomi Lomi Nui and Lomi Hapai, Ma-uri and  Esalen massage & bodywork, Craniosacral Biodynamics for adults, children and babies,, ScarWork, Essence of Bellydance for pregnancy, birth & postpartum, spiritual counseling, animal communication, BirthingFromWithin and other  pregnancy, birth & postpartum support, spiritual readings and Human Design Coaching, since a few years now also learning and relearning and expanding with the students of my own courses in Lomi, Pregnancy and Postpartum massage and Postpartum Doulaing...

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